The role of public policies in developing entrepreneurial and innovation potential of the cultural and creative sectors: work plan for 2015-2018

Council conclusions on cultural and creative crossovers to stimulate innovation, economic sustainability and social inclusion (2016)

Good Practice Report in The Cultural and Creative Sector's Export and Internationalisation Support Strategies - open method of coordination (OMC) working group of EU member states’ experts on cultural and creative sectors (2014)


Summary of the Report “The Performance of The Creative Industries Sector of Latvia and Preconditions for Its Targeted Development” in English (2013)

Promoting cultural and creative sectors for growth and jobs in the EU – Communication from the European Commission

Use of Structural Funds for Cultural Projects – Study from the European Parliament

Policy Handbook on "How to strategically use the EU support programmes, including structural funds, to foster the potential of culture for local, regional and national development and the spill-over effects on the wider economy?" 2012

Riga’s Creative Quarters - The Guide to Riga’s Creative Quarters

Creative Industries in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania 2011 - Ziņojums par radošās industrijas politiku Latvijā, Igaunijā un Lietuvā 2011

Creative Industries in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania 2010 - Ziņojums par radošās industrijas politiku Latvijā, Igaunijā un Lietuvā 2010

How to support creative industries. Good practices from European Cities. Creative Metropoles