Rapid development of the information and communication technologies (Internet, high-speed digital transmission systems etc,) in recent decades has completely transformed the information space. This process has led to the creation of the “information society” in which a significant part of daily activities are directed at the creation, distribution, use and reuse of information.
There are now such possibilities as instant messaging, distance work, e-health and e-learning. However, not all individuals and companies have fair and financially available access to networks and services that are able to create more equal conditions of competition. That is why measures should be taken to combat new types of crime, for example, cybercrime, as well as violations of data protection and intellectual property rights. Assistance is needed to overcome the “digital divide” between those members of society who have the opportunity to integrate into the information society and those who do not by helping them acquire the skills to use these technologies as well as to critically select and analyse the information that is being created and distributed in such vast amounts.
Published: 03.12.2020.