Baltijas Asamblejas grāmatu sērija

The translation and publication of the literary works – the winners of the Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature – started at the end of 2020 in Latvia under the leadership of the Latvian Writers' Union. This initiative is funded by the Ministry of Culture on the basis of a cooperation agreement. For this purpose, the Latvian Writers' Union created a design book series called “New Classics”, thus developing a special design concept (by Aleksey Murashko) to make the published literary works visible as well as visually associable as a part of the Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature series.

The selection of literary works to be translated and published is organized by the Latvian Writers' Union in accordance with the current list of laureates of the Baltic Assembly Prize for Literature (since 1994), prioritizing those that have not yet been published in Latvian.

Currently published works:

by the Lithuanian authors:

  • a collection of poems “K.B.: The Suspect and the Other Poems” by the poet Marcelijus Martinaitis, translated by Pēteris Brūveris un Emija Grigorjeva;
  • a collection of poems “Memory Transfusion” by the poet Vladas Brazjūnas, translated by Jānis Elsbergs, Indra Brūvere-Daruliene, Emija Grigorjeva, Daiga Lapāne;
  • a novel “The Lake e.t.c.” by the writer Donaldas Kajokas, translated by Dace Meiere;

by the Estonian authors:  

  • a poetry collection “The Tower” by the poet and literary critic Ene Mihkelson, translated by Guntars Godiņš;
  • a collection of plays “The Bridge” by the playwright Jaan Tätte, translated by Rūta Karma;
  • part 2 and 3 of the novel trilogy “The Comrade Child” by the writer Leelo Tungal, translated by Guntars Godiņš;
  • an essay "Ice and Titanic" by the writer Jan Kaplinsky, translated by Rūta Karma;
  • a poetry book (epos) “Meter and Demeter” by Hasso Krull, translated by Guntars Godiņš;
  • a novel “Don’t leave me alone. The love story” by Peeter Sauter, translated by Maima Grīnberga.