General information on the libraries of Latvia
The total number of libraries: 1487
38 841 791 units
The total number of registered users: 671048
Number of visits: 15 637 305 (including virtual)
Delivery: 22 373 980
The library services encompass all activity fields and all age groups of the population. From the 1 893223 of Latvia population more than 35 % have registered as active library users. There is one library per 1273 inhabitants. Each user has attended a library on average 14 times per year.
The following libraries operate in Latvia:
- 1 National Library of Latvia
- 763 public libraries: including 755 municipal libraries; Latvian Library for the Blind with 7 branch libraries
- 49 libraries of higher educational establishments
- 652 libraries of general education and vocational education establishments
- 22 specialised libraries
National Legislation
Regulations of Minister Cabinet
- Regulations for the Accreditation of Libraries
- Procedures for the Development and Utilisation of the National Catalogue
- Regulations regarding the Number of Employees Necessary for the Work of a Library and the Education Necessary for Holding Positions
- Norms of the Material and Technical Basis of Libraries
- Regulations Regarding the Paid Services Provided by State Libraries and the Methodology for Determination of Pricing Thereof
- Regulations Regarding Operation of Official Local-Level Library Network