The main goal of the project Latvian Roma platform II “Dialogue, cooperation and involvement” was reached.
In the result of the implementation of the project’s activities:
The cooperation and dialogue between representatives of municipalities, governmental sector and Roma people as well as employers and social partners has been fostered.
Mutual learning and exchange of best practices on Roma integration in key areas at the local and regional level has been supported.
The participation and involvement of the representatives of Roma community into the implementation of the set of Roma integration policy measures is facilitated; as well as the capacity and skills of representatives of Roma civil society has been strengthened.
The capacity building, empowerment and effective involvement of the representatives of Roma community, especially, Roma youth, has been facilitated.
Roma mediation practice in the municipalities and effective dialogue between Roma families and state/ municipal authorities (schools, social services, city councils) is developed. During the project five trained Roma mediators cooperated with 134 disadvantaged Roma families and provided assistance to more than 170 Roma persons. Local government’ representatives who cooperated with the Roma mediators stated that the mediator helped them to improve dialogue with Roma families and to find appropriate solutions for solving many problems, as well as to inform about the most urgent needs of the Roma and the characteristics of traditional Roma culture. Moreover, mediators facilitated Roma access to municipal services, European Social Fund support programs, as well as prevented drop-out rates of Roma pupils in schools.
After the project many involved municipalities have interest to support Roma mediators in order to promote sustain dialogue between Roma families and municipal institutions and governmental agencies.
Coordination of the implementation of the set of policy measures on Roma integration has been improved at the national, regional and local level. Significant number of new stakeholders are involved in the process of implementation the Roma integration policy, especially at the local level.
Totally in the project activities have been involved 376 participants, including 119 state and municipal authorities, non-Roma NGOs, as well as 257 Roma representatives from 19 Latvian cities.
Totally there were many activities implemented during the project: 1 regional expert meeting and the best practice visit; one practical workshop “Better Roma access to the labor market”; one 3-days practical workshop „SĀRE KHETENE” for Latvian Roma youth; training and support measures for development Roma mediation practice at the municipal level; training on project development and implementation for Roma activists and NGOs; English language trainings for representatives of Roma civil society; support for Roma activists to participate in the meetings of the Roma Integration Advisory Council under the Ministry of Culture, as well as Latvian Roma Platform meeting.